You can find it via apk from repurable and not so reputable places. It should be on github … maybe.
The web remote and the web view are so much better from the server, i.e. via locahost:1111 and localhost:1112 (by default).
Especially with my mods: Checkout this Quelea expansion pack build with Improvements and experimental features! - #13 by JessyJP
Just wrapping up the song search.
I am working on some features to be able to edit the schedule via the web remote too.
And some cool new features that will not be avaiable on the app.
I might give it a try to put a manifest for a progressive app (a bit like app shortcut on the phone) with offline mode to have a copy of the bibles and the song library.
I am generally a proponent for application as opposed to webapp, but in some select cases the oppose is also better as in this one.
I just hate the new messenger (facebook-Meta) app for windows. It’s effectively some kind of web wrapper and it is so bad words can’t express. The previous version was also bad because it was so slow and buggy. They should be embarraced for ever releaseing that. Sorry for the rant, I just need an outlet.