My name is Kent and I’ve been involved with A/V at church for many years, starting in the 1980’s when I dedicated my live to Jesus. I’m a retired Professional Electrical Engineer with a quality and safety focus. I’ve done some programming in Fortran in the 1970’s, in DOS in the 80’s and WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS macros in the early 90’s. Recently I became our church’s webmaster using WIX. I’ve been quite busy with ministry at Loaves & Fishes locally. My wife and I met late in life and have been happily married over 23 years. We adopted two children, one from Romania and the other from Guatemala. We all presently live in California. While I find programming interesting, my backlogs of things to be done and commitments are too huge at the moment to consider taking on further responsibilities. My church’s A/V related computer has EasyWorship 2009 on it, is quite old and worn and I’m preparing a newer, more capable one with Quelea on it to replace it. I’m delighted with the latest version of Quelea in the works and very grateful for the super support I’ve received from Quelea.