I added a theme, and set it as default for both songs and bibles, however there is now a 4th theme called “Default Theme” that I am unable to edit.
Why do I want to do edit it?
If I open the theme editor for an individual song, the font choices are not the ones from the theme I selected as default, rather they appear to be from the one labeled “Default Theme”
Afraid I’m a bit confused here - have you created a theme called “Default theme”? If so then I wouldn’t recommend it, as it could be rather confusing - can you rename it to something else?
Here is a couple of images that show the problem.
Part A:
I created a theme called “mhcc default” and made it the Song default and the bible default.
I can edit it, delete it or whatever.
There is another theme called “default theme” that cannot be edited.
However, if I try to modify the theme of the new song – I find that some elements of the theme – the font shadow settings & background colour – are actually not included:
If I use the “copy from” then the mhcc default theme is copied in – but why not just have the theme I’ve chosen already be there?
I’m just starting to use this software, and over the course of the next several months I’m going to have to create & modify well over 150 new songs. every step I can eliminate is a bonus.
Looks like you’re expecting the options there to do something different than they’re designed to do - the global theme dialog there won’t set themes on the individual songs by design.
So I must copy a theme to each and every song as its created.
I can live with that, but it would sure be nice if I make it so that when I imported or created a song, the font would be the way I want it right off.
When entering the first song, you indeed need to select theme to copy from. Then press the “Copy” button.
But … subsequent entered songs still have the first theme pre-filled (@Barry: by accident or by design?). So you then only have to press the “Copy” button.
Just to add - by design. The “normal” behaviour we see if someone wants to use the same theme for all songs (or a large subset of them) is to use the theme override instead.