Preview Pane does not autoload next image

We just changed computers and updated our Quelea to the latest version, with our old computer (still WIN 10) the preview pane used to update automatically with the next Image to be shown. The new version didn’t do that automatically, it just stayed on the live image and you had to manually select the next image to move it to the preview pane…
So, thinking it was the new release, I re-installed the 2019 version, and it is doing the same thing. Is there a setting that I have missed, or is it computer related??? I have the check box selected for Preview Item on image change in the options.
Please help…

Does the following schedule option brings back the desired behaviour?


Hi DeeTigIT,
Thanks for the suggestion, but that was the first thing I checked. I even took the new version of Quelea off and reinstalled the 2019 stable version and it is doing the same thing.
Any other thoughts ???