I noticed that you now distribute as snap… Are you considering supporting Flatpak as well? It’s a lot more used IMHO and having both Snap and Flatpak would likely cover most Linux distros.
Hey, thanks for signing up!
Flatpak isn’t on our radar at the moment but I’m certainly not against supporting it in the future if it seems viable.
Feel free to create a GitHub issue so we don’t lose track of it
Hey there! I’ve been out of the loop with Quelea for quite a while, but I thought I’d come back and see how development has gone since last I used the program.
So, I went to install it. I see there are no longer .deb files for Linux. I get that, as I remember you being very Ubuntu-centric back then as well. I see only Snap and crossplatform .jar available.
Snap: I’m using Linux Mint, which can technically use Snap, but I avoid that thing like the plague, because when I took the snapd block off of a previous Linux Mint install, it messed with my system and things got really slow. On my current system, I refuse to remove the snapd block. So Snap is a no-go for me. I refuse to use the thing.
Cross-platform: Trying out the crossplatform .jar installer, it says that it requires Java 8, and requires it to be the default Java. This messes with another program I have installed that needs a newer Java version to be default. I tried it without Java 8, but obviously it didn’t work. So, I can’t use this installer, either.
I see that Flatpak has been requested here and on Github. If my opinion counts for anything (which I admit it probably doesn’t), I also vote for a Flatpak package. Snap, as noted above, is very much Ubuntu-centric, and many more security/FOSS-focused Linux distros either can’t use, disable, or won’t allow snapd because of its proprietary nature on Ubuntu’s Snap servers. Because of this, Flatpak is a much more widely adopted Linux standard than Snap is, and is also available for Ubuntu, so your Ubuntu folks can still be just as well-supported. Using Flatpak would bring many more users to the table. Even AppImage would be more generally usable than Snap.
Again, this is just my own opinion. For now, until something more easily usable for my system is made available, I’ll just pass on Quelea this time around, and wish you guys the best of luck and God’s blessings on your project!
With respect to the crossplatform version:
- Quelea-2020.0 : jre-8
- Quelea-2021.0 : jre-8
- Quelea-2022.0 : jre-11, jre-21
- Quelea-2024.0 : jre-11, jre-21
On my debian test system I have installed all these Quelea cross-platform versions and jre versions. I start Quelea, with the required jre, using a .sh with essentialy the following statements (in this case: Quelea 2024.0 running with zulu jre-21):
sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/zulu-fx-21-amd64/bin/java
cd /usr/local/Quelea-2024.0/
java --add-exports=javafx.graphics/com.sun.javafx.css=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.runtime=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens javafx.controls/javafx.scene.control=ALL-UNNAMED -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dprism.dirtyopts=false -jar Quelea.jar
sudo update-alternatives --auto java