Not starting after changing server settings

I even tried to install the program again. Still the same error. …could’nt start for some reason in your system…

I tried to change server settings and try to use remote control from my iphone. Then this happened.

How could I solve this problem? Please help.

Could you attach your debug log here?

That might help us work out what’s going on.

I had this issue as well, then I realized I made the port number 6 digits instead of 5. That screwed everything up. I had to go to the properties file and change it back to be able to start Quelea again

Thanks for all the work with Quelea Software.
I have been using the program for some time.
But I had the same problem.
After trying to connect the server the program never opened in windows 10
I’ve seen if it would be a windows 10 lock, but nothing
I do new instalation after total cleaning but nothing workink