Quelea is not playing .flv files on MacBook

Top of the day to you and wondering if you can help. We have series of choir recordings which were done last week to over for the current lockdown. The recording software we used actually recorded these videos as .flv files. Never thought that would be an issue but only to get the surprise of the day on Sunday during the live stream and Quelea could not play the .flv files (black screen and no sound).The video progress bar was not even moving.
I popped the .flv into VLC as a quick solution and that worked fine, but the issue is I had to mirror the desktop and which means i couldn’t really switch back to use Quelea during the live stream.
Please is there a solution to playing .flv files via quelea on MacBook?
I need to figure out something before this Sunday, so any help will be highly appreciated.

Does quelea play .mkv or .mp4 files on MacBook?
If so, you could consider converting the .flv files to .mkv or .mp4 as a work-around.

Thanks for your response. I will do the conversion for now.
Please can someone explain to me what is going on:
I removed VLC from the MacBook. Fired up Quelea and as expected it complained that VLC is missing.
I was asked if i wanted to download a copy and I declined. Loaded an old MP4 video expecting Quelea not to play it but Quelea did. restarted with 100% no VLC, Quelea (2019.1) can still play mp4 videos. Am i right to say that Quelea is probably referencing an old VLC settings located somewhere.
I checked 4 java files but didn’t find any potential ref to the flv issue:

  • VLCWindow.java
  • VLCWindow.java.orig
  • VLCWindowDirect.java
  • VLCWindowEmbed.java

I think Quelea is not pointing to the VLC settings or Codec files.(I know converting the .flv files may seem like the easier way out here but that still leaves the problem unresolved and I am just hoping someone can give an insight into what is potentially happening).

Thanks for your time

I would recommend to go to the beginning of the process. FLV is not a very standard type of video container and maybe you should consider to create source video in another container with codec like .h264. MP4 or MKV as DeeTigIT recommended is probably a best bet. Why do you use flash video as container for video?

@ [matejkobza] it was the default saving format and it wasn’t intentional.
That said, thanks for your contributions. I had just about 20 files and I have managed to convert all to MP4.
Looking forward, it’s going to be MP4 from now on.