Ridiculous RAM usage problem!

Has nobody noticed the ridiculous RAM usage?! Any power users out there ?
Here is a bit of context:
On my machine a fresh install is ~680 MB (it’s not miniscule but acceptable)
Add bibles a few bibles ~730MB. Not too bad.
The put the usual settings file and the rest of the configurations except videos and I get 1060 MB. (Well that quite the increase but still reasonable on a modern machine).
Now put just 2.3 GB worth of videos in the video directory and suddenly we have about 3300+ MB ram usage… what ?

So let’s just grab those same videos and just copy paste them to make copies of them in the same directory. Run Quelea again.

Wait what ?! 4.5 GB and what is this constant 15% CPU (about 1 core) and 35% GPU ?!?! At idle?!

So earlier I had around 200 short background clips and somehow I and managed to spike the ram utilization to about 23 GB after I just left it to idle a while.

I checked the settings for a caching mechanism for the videos but even with the video panel off there was no change in the ram utilization. I think at this point it’s clear the program is caching the videos and not in a good way.

I traced the code and there are 2 places that cause the balloon:

Quelea\src\main\java\org\quelea\windows\library\VideoListPanel.java :

@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public class VideoListPanel extends BorderPane {
File file = files[i];
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, “Checking file {0}”, file);
if (Utils.fileIsVideo(file) && !file.isDirectory()) {
// addVideoFile(file);

Quelea\src\main\java\org\quelea\windows\lyrics\LyricDrawer.java :

@@ -403,13 +403,13 @@ public class LyricDrawer extends WordDrawer {
Color color = ((ColourBackground) theme.getBackground()).getColour();
image = Utils.getImageFromColour(color);
} else if (theme.getBackground() instanceof VideoBackground) {
var uri = ((VideoBackground) theme.getBackground()).getVideoFile().toURI();
if(!Objects.equals(vidDisplay.getUri(), uri)) {
// var uri = ((VideoBackground) theme.getBackground()).getVideoFile().toURI();
// if(!Objects.equals(vidDisplay.getUri(), uri)) {
// vidDisplay.stop();
// vidDisplay.setURI(uri);
// vidDisplay.play();
// }
// newImageView.imageProperty().bind(vidDisplay.imageProperty());
} else {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Bug: Unhandled theme background case, trying to use default background: " + theme.getBackground(), new RuntimeException(“DEBUG EXCEPTION FOR STACK TRACE”));

So if I comment out those two places creating the video cards and the theme then it’s fine.

I narrowed it down to a GStreamer memory leak. Or maybe it’s the wrapper.
Every time a video is played the resources from the previous stream are not properly released.

Thanks for the report - I’ll take a look.