Am trying to import telugu bible in xml format, but getting error.
I have downloaded the xml from this page:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/godlytalias/Bible-Database/master/Telugu/bible.xml
Quelea 2020.0 only supports the Zefania XML format, with a few common variations, and the file you’ve linked there isn’t a valid Zefania XML file. However, 2021.0 is much better at working with different, non-conformant XML bibles - so if you give the 2021.0 CI release a go, that should hopefully work without an issue.
I’m having a similar problem. I have tried in quelea v 2020 and today 2021.0 beta1 to install a Bible in Croatian, but my test sample keeps getting an error. I posted this on the old google site and a format error was pointed out to me, but I still can’t import this corrected version. I’m trying to exactly copy the syntax of one if the preinstalled Bibles, but something is still not working. Below is the text I’m trying to import.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XMLBIBLE xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="zef2005.xsd" version="" status="v" biblename="Varaždinska Biblija" revision="1" type="x-bible">
<BIBLEBOOK bnumber="40" bname="Matej" bsname="Mat">
<CHAPTER cnumber="1">
<VERS vnumber="1">Knjiga naraštaja Isusa Krista, sina Davidova, sina Abrahamova.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="2">Abraham rodi Izaka. Izak rodi Jakova. Jakov rodi Judu i braću njegovu.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="3">Juda s Tamarom rodi Peresa i Zeraha. Peres rodi Hecrona. Hecron rodi Rama.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="4">Ram rodi Aminadaba. Aminadab rodi Nahšona. Nahšon rodi Salmona.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="5">Salmon s Rahabom rodi Boaza. Boaz s Rutom rodi Obeda. Obed rodi Jišaja.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="6">Jišaj rodi kralja Davida. Kralj David sa ženom Urijinom rodi Salomona.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="7">Salomon rodi Roboama. Roboam rodi Abiju. Abija rodi Asu.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="8">Asa rodi Jošafata. Jošafat rodi Jorama. Joram rodi Uziju.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="9">Uzija rodi Jotama. Jotam rodi Ahaza. Ahaz rodi Ezekiju.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="10">Ezekija rodi Manašea. Manaše rodi Amona. Amon rodi Jošiju.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="11">Jošija rodi Jekoniju i braću njegovu u doba progonstva babilonskoga.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="12">Nakon progonstva babilonskoga Jekonija rodi Šealtiela. Šealtiel rodi Zerubabela.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="13">Zerubabel rodi Abiuda. Abiud rodi Eliakima. Eliakim rodi Azora.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="14">Azor rodi Sadoka. Sadok rodi Ahejma. Ahejm rodi Eliuda.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="15">Eliud rodi Eleazara. Eleazar rodi Matana. Matan rodi Jakova.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="16">Jakov rodi Josipa, muža Marije po kojoj je rođen Isus, koji se zove Krist.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="17">Dakle svih naraštaja od Abrahama do Davida bijaše četrnaest naraštaja te od Davida do progonstva babilonskoga četrnaest naraštaja i od progonstva babilonskoga do Krista četrnaest naraštaja.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="18">A rođenje Isusa Krista bijaše ovako: budući da mati njegova Marija bi isprošena za Josipa, već prije no što se oni sastadoše nađe se trudna od Duha Svetoga.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="19">A Josip, muž njezin, kako je bio pravedan i nije je htio javno osramotiti, naumi je otpustiti potajice.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="20">No dok je on o tome razmišljao, gle, anđeo mu se Gospodnji ukaza u snu govoreći: »Josipe, sine Davidov, ne boj se uzeti k sebi Mariju, ženu svoju, jer što je u njoj začeto, od Duha je Svetoga.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="21">A rodit će sina, i nadjenut ćeš mu ime Isus, jer on će spasiti puk svoj od grijeha njihovih.«</vers>
<VERS vnumber="22">A sve se to dogodi kako bi se ispunilo ono što kaza Gospodin po proroku govoreći:</vers>
<VERS vnumber="23">Gle, djevica će začeti i roditi sina, i nadjenut će mu ime Emanuel, što je u prijevodu: Bog je s nama.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="24">A kad se Josip probudi oda sna, učini kako mu naredi anđeo Gospodnji i uze k sebi ženu svoju.</vers>
<VERS vnumber="25">I ne upozna je sve dok ona ne porodi sina svojega, prvorođenca. I nadjenu mu ime Isus.</vers>
That definitely won’t work as it’s not valid XML - XML is case sensitive, so your starting “VERS” tags don’t match the ending “vers” tags. If you make sure the case is consistent, then Quelea should read it ok.
Well it still doesn’t work. I changed the capitalization as you suggested and I still get the same error, using Quelea 2021.0 beta. I followed the prompt in Quelea and submitted it for verification. Thanks agian.
<?xml VERSion="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<XMLBIBLE xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="zef2005.xsd" version="" status="v" biblename="Varaždinska Biblija" revision="1" type="x-bible">
<BIBLEBOOK bnumber="40" bname="Matej" bsname="Mat">
<CHAPTER cnumber="1">
<VERS vnumber="1">Knjiga naraštaja Isusa Krista, sina Davidova, sina Abrahamova.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="2">Abraham rodi Izaka. Izak rodi Jakova. Jakov rodi Judu i braću njegovu.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="3">Juda s Tamarom rodi Peresa i Zeraha. Peres rodi Hecrona. Hecron rodi Rama.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="4">Ram rodi Aminadaba. Aminadab rodi Nahšona. Nahšon rodi Salmona.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="5">Salmon s Rahabom rodi Boaza. Boaz s Rutom rodi Obeda. Obed rodi Jišaja.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="6">Jišaj rodi kralja Davida. Kralj David sa ženom Urijinom rodi Salomona.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="7">Salomon rodi Roboama. Roboam rodi Abiju. Abija rodi Asu.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="8">Asa rodi Jošafata. Jošafat rodi Jorama. Joram rodi Uziju.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="9">Uzija rodi Jotama. Jotam rodi Ahaza. Ahaz rodi Ezekiju.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="10">Ezekija rodi Manašea. Manaše rodi Amona. Amon rodi Jošiju.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="11">Jošija rodi Jekoniju i braću njegovu u doba progonstva babilonskoga.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="12">Nakon progonstva babilonskoga Jekonija rodi Šealtiela. Šealtiel rodi Zerubabela.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="13">Zerubabel rodi Abiuda. Abiud rodi Eliakima. Eliakim rodi Azora.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="14">Azor rodi Sadoka. Sadok rodi Ahejma. Ahejm rodi Eliuda.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="15">Eliud rodi Eleazara. Eleazar rodi Matana. Matan rodi Jakova.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="16">Jakov rodi Josipa, muža Marije po kojoj je rođen Isus, koji se zove Krist.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="17">Dakle svih naraštaja od Abrahama do Davida bijaše četrnaest naraštaja te od Davida do progonstva babilonskoga četrnaest naraštaja i od progonstva babilonskoga do Krista četrnaest naraštaja.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="18">A rođenje Isusa Krista bijaše ovako: budući da mati njegova Marija bi isprošena za Josipa, već prije no što se oni sastadoše nađe se trudna od Duha Svetoga.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="19">A Josip, muž njezin, kako je bio pravedan i nije je htio javno osramotiti, naumi je otpustiti potajice.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="20">No dok je on o tome razmišljao, gle, anđeo mu se Gospodnji ukaza u snu govoreći: »Josipe, sine Davidov, ne boj se uzeti k sebi Mariju, ženu svoju, jer što je u njoj začeto, od Duha je Svetoga.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="21">A rodit će sina, i nadjenut ćeš mu ime Isus, jer on će spasiti puk svoj od grijeha njihovih.«</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="22">A sve se to dogodi kako bi se ispunilo ono što kaza Gospodin po proroku govoreći:</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="23">Gle, djevica će začeti i roditi sina, i nadjenut će mu ime Emanuel, što je u prijevodu: Bog je s nama.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="24">A kad se Josip probudi oda sna, učini kako mu naredi anđeo Gospodnji i uze k sebi ženu svoju.</VERS>
<VERS vnumber="25">I ne upozna je sve dok ona ne porodi sina svojega, prvorođenca. I nadjenu mu ime Isus.</VERS>
It looks like you’ve done a blanket find / replace on VERS / vers.
You need to be careful when you do this sort of thing - you’ve ended up with “VERSion” as a result in your first line, which means it’s still not valid XML. That should all be lower case.
Guilty as charged. (And thanks BTW!) I just made a new file from scratch and was able to import it. That’s the danger of “parroting” something that I don’t really understand the rules for…it’s hard to proofread!
I am still trying to import a custom Croatian Bible. I think I got my file working (and tested using this tool, but I am still getting error messages when I import. I copied the format of the existing preinstalled Bibles, so I’m very puzzled why it won’t work.
In fact I am getting messages (about the XML not being formatted properly) from several previous attempts, about files which are no longer in the bibles folder. Is there a log somewhere that needs to be erased? Why do I keep getting messages about files that are not longer in existence?
Same as before - if you can attach the bible here, I’ll take a look
The error message you’re constantly seeing should hopefully be gone in 2022.0 (and in the current CI release.)
Ok, Thanks. Here is a link to the xml file. (I didn’t want to paste it directly in the discussion since it’s 25k lines long)
Very first line has an issue, there needs to be a space between each attribute, i,e:
version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”
Alright! It looks like it worked. I am still getting notifications about failed tests that were not formatted correctly, but I was able to import a version. Thanks for you help!